
18 mths. to 36 mths

At MSOFX, our Montessori toddler program is designed to meet the child’s need to soak up the world around him or her, to revel in sensory experiences, explore and experiment with movement, practical language, and find their place within their community.

The child’s development follows a path of successive stages of independence, and our knowledge of this must guide us in our behavior towards him. We have to help the child to act, will and think for himself. This is the art of serving the spirit…”

Maria Montessori, The Absorbent Mind

Our infant program nurtures children who are 18 months to 3 years old. The Montessori approach to education is respect for the student. Even with our youngest student, adult guides seek to assist, not teach. During these early years of life, when the foundation of personality is laid down, our Montessori teachers influence the child’s development by modeling, not by correcting.

In our Montessori toddler program, the children learn to trust their world and their own competence. They learn independence and the direct effect of their decisions on others who share the same needs and wants. They develop respect for nature, a thirst for knowledge, and experience satisfaction when they succeed.

Italian physician, Maria Montessori, made her observations about children’s development, more than a century ago.  Today, neurological research on early learning confirms the accuracy and relevance of Dr. Montessori’s teaching methods.

Inside Our Classroom